Category: Men’s health
We continue to study sexually transmitted diseases. Especially in summer, they become extremely important along with the knowledge to protect against them. This time, the gonococcal infection comes to the fore. Gonococcal bacteria (Neisseria gonorrhea) equally affect representatives of both sexes and are transmitted to sexual partners through direct contact with any types of mucous…
I had risky sex- now?
It’s summer, it’s warm, and no one changes clothes. He is full of life day and night. Everything reminds me of romance and passion. And this often leads to summer misdemeanors, but if you are not in a relationship and do not have sexually transmitted diseases – what can go wrong? Risky sex, any sexual…
No morning erection
Lack of morning erection – now what? Morning erection is a normal condition in healthy and sexually active men. But should its loss be considered a symptom of erectile dysfunction, low testosterone, or another sexual problem? A variety of factors underlie morning erections, and their loss can be a signal of both sexual and other…
Veganism for good sexuality in men
4 Benefits of Veganism for Good Sexuality in Men With the imposition of veganism as a way of eating and in general as a way of life among so many people, a number of data have rightly appeared about its positive impact, including on the sex life of vegans. The widespread belief that vegans are…
Pills before sex cut AIDS risk by 85%
The drug, which has a strong antiviral effect against the AIDS virus, may turn out to be the most reliable means of preventing a dangerous disease that has been developed so far. The Lancet magazine reports that the pharmaceutical product will soon be available to the public throughout the UK. The innovative tool is called…
Oral sex and throat cancer
Oral sex risks throat cancer Oral sex has been cited as one of the major causes of oral cancer and cancer of the throat (cancer of the oropharynx). There are three key factors that determine the risk of developing cancer in those who regularly engage in oral sex: Floor; Smoking; Number of sexual partners; Based…
Medical treatment of the prostate
Medical treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia Enlarged prostate. Statistics show that more than 50% of men over 50 suffer from this disease, and in men over 70 this figure rises to 90%. An alarming statistic is that less than 5% of men over 40 consult a specialist about urinary problems. Early detection of benign prostatic…
Sexually transmitted diseases that can be infected with a kiss
3 sexually transmitted diseases that can be infected by kissing Protection is paramount for any sexually active person, but the truth is that sometimes even they can’t fully protect us. There are sexually transmitted diseases that can be infected even with full sexual prevention. This is because there are some sexually transmitted diseases that can…