Author: Richard Ketcham
Chlamydia – leads to infertility
Chlamydia – an untreated infection leads to infertility, and at first it is asymptomatic Sexually transmitted chlamydia infection is one of the most common in developing countries and, if left untreated, is one of the main causes of infertility. The infection affects more than 15% of teenage girls. Infection occurs from asymptomatic carriers, and the…
Sexual health
Sexual health and sexual rights Coming up with a precise definition of sexual health is a difficult task, as each culture, subculture, and individual has different standards regarding sexuality. However, we can safely say that sexual health goes beyond the issues of unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. With this in mind, the World Health…
Kisspeptin- the regulator of sexual behavior
Kisspeptin: the main regulator of sexual behavior The term “master regulator” was introduced by the Japanese geneticist and evolutionary biologist Susumu Ono and refers to a gene that occupies the top of the regulatory hierarchy and in this sense is not under the regulatory influence of any other gene. Although this term was originally coined…
1/3 of erection problems have a genetic basis
Erectile dysfunction, also known as impotence, is the inability to maintain an erection. Occasional erection problems are not necessarily a cause for concern, but if erectile dysfunction is systematic, it can cause stress, strengthen low self-esteem and damage a man’s interpersonal relationships. Last but not least, a systematic inability to maintain an erection by itself…
Barrier methods of contraception
Barrier methods of contraception – condoms and cervical cap Barrier methods of contraception prevent pregnancy by preventing male germ cells (sperm) from entering female cells (eggs). Examples of this type of contraception are condoms, a cervical cap, a sponge, and others. A condom is a type of barrier method of contraception available in both male…
How trichomoniasis is treated
How trichomoniasis is treated The new discovery may change the approach of doctors to the treatment of trichomoniasis, a sexually transmitted disease caused by Trichomonas vaginalis. Infection is one of the most common curable STDs, but it can make women susceptible to HIV, as well as cause complications in pregnant women. An important feature of…
Pros and cons of using oral contraceptives
Pros and cons of using oral contraceptives. The main advantages of oral contraceptives: Dysmenorrhea – painful menstruation. All oral contraceptives have an effect on dysmenorrhea because they inhibit proliferation (growth) and hypervascularization (increased formation of endometrial vessels) of the endometrium due to the ovulation-blocking effect. In anovulatory cycles (not preceding ovulation) in women who do…
Insomnia is the cause of a bad sex life
Insomnia is a common problem in humans: studies show that 30% of the population has trouble sleeping, and 10% suffer from chronic insomnia. Insomnia has other side effects. For example, it increases anxiety levels and affects the amygdala, the part of the brain responsible for regulating emotions. Sleep deprivation has a negative impact on metabolism,…