Author: Richard Ketcham
Do contraceptives spoil the pleasure of sex?
Birth control pills are one of the most preferred means of contraception in the reproductive age. However, their effect has long been the subject of study of its effect on female sexual desire. According to some scientists, such an effect exists, and they reasonably raise the question of whether the contraceptive pill does not kill…
Sexual disorders
Sexual disorders – what can they be? The sexual disorder is a term that refers to a wide range of problems with sexual expression and sexual relationships. These difficulties range from a purely physical reaction to the relationship between partners in general. One of the immediate causes of sexual disorders is sexual neglect and the…
Orgasm of erogenous zones is an achievable dream
The mystery of orgasm is unlikely to be solved soon, given how many factors affect its achievement or, alas, inaccessibility. Even women who find it difficult to achieve this ultimate experience can diversify their attempts by introducing some more intimate than purely sexual techniques. According to various sources, the female orgasm exists in many forms,…
Can sex cure migraines?
Extensive study of the specifics of migraine in recent years has proved that low levels of endorphins in the brain can trigger a migraine attack. This information provoked the interest of scientists to trace the link between sex and migraine treatment. The fact that the peak of endorphin secretion in the brain is noted during…
Sexually transmitted diseases that can be infected with a kiss
3 sexually transmitted diseases that can be infected by kissing Protection is paramount for any sexually active person, but the truth is that sometimes even they can’t fully protect us. There are sexually transmitted diseases that can be infected even with full sexual prevention. This is because there are some sexually transmitted diseases that can…
Kiss Protein helps with sexual dysfunctions
Recently, a team from the Faculty of Medicine at Imperial College London discovered that hormones can successfully treat psychosexual disorders. But their discoveries are sometimes so… sexy! We know that anxiety, stress, and various other factors can lead not only to a decrease in libido but also to sexual dysfunction. Well, that’s where they found…
Sex during pregnancy
Is sex during pregnancy dangerous for the mother and baby? According to some cultures, sex during pregnancy helps ease childbirth. Others expressly forbid. In such a situation, to answer the question, it would be most logical to turn to science. And she categorically states that sex during pregnancy is allowed. But for safety reasons, it…
Recommendations for better sex
4 recommendations from sexologists for better sex Sex can rise to a means of communication on a much higher level than purely physical. And because many couples haven’t made that progress yet, no matter how long they’ve been together, experts in sexology and sex therapy have come together to summarize their theoretical knowledge into a…