Author: Richard Ketcham
Physiology on orgasm
Orgasm is a special state that the body enters during sex. The name comes from the Greek orgasm, which means arousal or sexual climax. The condition is a sudden release of the body caused by the stimulation of the erogenous zones during the reaction in the sexual circle. The end result is a rhythmic muscle…
3 main symptoms of a gynecological problem
Patients with gynecological diseases most often seek medical help in connection with the following complaints: pain in the lower abdomen, genital bleeding, fluoride (note “white discharge”), and detection of tumor-like formations. Pain is a common symptom that reflects the subjective feelings of a woman and the objective processes in her body, it is important to…
Premature ejaculation is psychogenic determined
In sexual relations between a man and a woman, difficulties arise that some manage to overcome on their own. However, many cannot cope with their sexual problems, and this often leads to problems in relationships between men and women. According to many experts, the modern porn industry, instead of helping young people to relax and…
Ten Disasters of Birth Control Pills
Contraceptives are those little pills that prevent pregnancy. But the arguments about what role they play more positive or negative on the female body are many and at the same time contradictory. The birth control pill first appeared in the US in 1960. Today’s pills contain only 1.2% of the hormones of that time. In…
Pain in the testicles – causes
Pain in the testicles can be caused by various reasons. The testicles are very sensitive and even a small injury can cause pain or discomfort. Pain in this area can come from both the testicle itself and from the epididymis. In some cases, the pain may be related to a problem that starts in the…
11 important intimate hygiene rules for women
Intimate hygiene is essential for a healthy sex life. The external genitalia is associated with the excretory system, which is why they are often polluted. Smegma formed by urine, sweat, and exfoliated epithelial cells is deposited on them. Smegma is a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms if it is not washed regularly. Here…
Condoms – do they have any side effects?
The condom, in addition to protecting against sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies, can also lead to undesirable consequences that affect health. Most condoms are made from latex, which comes from rubber trees. According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, some people are allergic to rubber protein. This allergy is rare, and…
Nymphomania – carries a risk of acute psychosis and depression
A long-discussed case is whether a woman’s hyperexcitability can result from a hormonal imbalance or some kind of obstetric-gynecological disorder. According to specialists in sexual medicine, the causes of the development of hypersexual syndrome lie in special centers of the brain and carry out their activities by complex and currently little-studied processes. The connection between…