Author: Richard Ketcham
Can you get sick from sex?
For many of us, it sounds incomprehensible and even ridiculous to get sick after sex. However, there is a certain percentage of people who develop flu-like symptoms after intercourse. These include fever, runny nose, lethargy, joint stiffness, and short-term memory loss. Specialists refer to this condition as “Post Gas Illness Syndrome” (POIS). In patients suffering…
Size matters… with a woman
The secret to the female orgasm may be more complicated than we think. Less than 25% of women report having an orgasm with every intercourse. Looking deeper into the problem, a recent study attempts to explore the biological causes of the problem. It turned out that in women who have difficulty achieving orgasm, the clitoris…
Trichomoniasis is a highly contagious sexually transmitted infection.
Trichomoniasis is a parasitic infection transmitted primarily through sexual contact. The parasite that causes the disease is Trichomonas vaginalis or Trichomonas vaginalis. It can also be contracted from public restrooms, locker room seats, and public bathrooms, as well as from improper use of tampons during menstrual bleeding or from soiled underwear. The infection itself does…
What causes low libido in women?
Studies show that almost a third of women and 15% of men have no desire to have sex regularly. However, there are small changes that can bring back the lost passion for lovemaking. Plan more love meetings If Saturday night with a partner means watching TV in sweatpants at home on the couch, you can…
The most common male prostate problems
The prostate is a gland that surrounds the passage that drains urine through the male penis, the urethra. The walnut-sized gland produces a significant portion of the seminal fluid containing sperm. The prostate also controls the release of urine from the bladder. Violations in its functionality, respectively, affect the male body at two levels –…
Should we get vaccinated against cervical cancer?
Persistent infection with oncogenic types of HPV is a prerequisite for the development of cervical cancer, which affects about 500,000 women every year and causes about 260,000 deaths worldwide. It affects the cervix – the entrance to the uterus. It is caused by the human papillomavirus or HPV, which is sexually transmitted. There are over…
How does an orgasm happen in men?
Orgasm is considered the peak moment of sexual pleasure. When a man experiences sexual arousal, blood flows into the erectile tissue of the penis, resulting in an erection of the male sexual organ. The more intense the excitation, the stronger the erection of the penis. As arousal, the tip of the penis swells. Muscle tension…
What to do with papilloma infection?
Papillomavirus infections are widespread among the population, carriers are about 80% of people of reproductive age. Fortunately, no every time infection with the papillomavirus develops into a disease. There are over 100 different types of papillomaviruses. A small part of them does not leave traces on health. We can recognize the action of some of…